Saturday, March 27, 2010


I now scrapbook using the Stacy Julian 'Library of Memories' system, this means I sort my photos chronologically, but when I make my scrapbook layouts I sort them by theme. So when I scrapbook, I go through my photos and just pick whatever I feel like scrapbooking, whether it be current or from when my girls were little. This helps me avoid the "always feeling behind"while scrapbooking feeling. (for more info on this go the blogs i read - Big Picture Scrapbooking.). Currently as well as my theme scrapbooks (At the moment I have 4 - All about Us, Things we do, Places we go & Celebrations), I am making each of my girls an A - Z scrapbook, covering their lives up until they finish secondary school. I have finished Laura's album, and am working on Cindy's, - hope to finish it over the next few months, and then start Belinda's!

This is Cindy's 'J' page - Just love dress ups.
This layout was completed using a sketch from Cathy Zeilski's Design Your Life class at Big Picture Scrapbooking.

And just for fun today I am including my favorite photo of the moment - 'Autumn footwear' - me and my 3 girls!

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